SLimOptim.jl documentation

Line searches

Line search utuility function that calls LineSearches.jl, this function is used for the line search at each iteration in spg and pqn and can be used by itslef as weel. For convenience the linesearches are all exported and available.

linesearch(ls, sol, d, f, g!, fg!, t, funRef, gtd, gvec)

Line search interface to LineSearches.jl


  • ls: Line search structure (see LineSearches.jl documentation)
  • f: Objective function, x -> f(x)
  • g!`: Gradient in place function, x-> (g.= gradient(x))
  • fg!`: Objective and in place gradient function, x-> (f = f(x); g.= gradient(x))
  • t: Initial steplength gess
  • funRef: Reference objective function value
  • gtd: Reference direction inner product dot(g0, d0)
  • gvec: prealocated array for thhe gradient


Spectral Projected gradient algorithm adapted from min_Conf for constrained optimization.

spg(funObj, x, funProj, options; ls=nothing, callback=nothing)

Function for using Spectral Projected Gradient to solve problems of the form min funObj(x) s.t. x in C


  • funObj(x):function to minimize (returns gradient as second argument)
  • funProj(x): function that returns projection of x onto C
  • x: Initial guess
  • options: spg_options structure

Optional Arguments

  • ls `: User provided linesearch function
  • callback : Callback function. Must take as input a result callback(x::result)


  • if the projection is expensive to compute, you can reduce the number of projections by setting testOpt to 0 in the options

  • Adapted fromt he matlab implementation of minConf_SPG

spg(f, g!, fg!, x, funProj, options; ls=nothing, callback=nothing)

Function for using Spectral Projected Gradient to solve problems of the form min funObj(x) s.t. x in C


  • f(x): function to minimize (returns objective only)
  • g!(g, x): gradient of function (in place)
  • fg!(g, x): objective and gradient (in place)
  • funProj(x): function that returns projection of x onto C
  • x: Initial guess
  • options: spg_options structure

Optional Arguments

  • ls `: User provided linesearch function
  • callback : Callback function. Must take as input a result callback(x::result)


  • if the projection is expensive to compute, you can reduce the number of projections by setting testOpt to 0 in the options

  • Adapted fromt he matlab implementation of minConf_SPG


The algorithms uses the following options:

            bbType=true,testInit=false, store_trace=false,
            optNorm=Inf,iniStep=1f0, maxLinesearchIter=10)

Options structure for Spectral Project Gradient algorithm.


  • verbose: level of verbosity (0: no output, 1: iter (default))
  • optTol: tolerance used to check for optimality (default: 1e-5)
  • progTol: tolerance used to check for lack of progress (default: 1e-9)
  • maxIter: maximum number of iterations (default: 20)
  • suffDec: sufficient decrease parameter in Armijo condition (default: 1e-4)
  • memory: number of steps to look back in non-monotone Armijo condition
  • useSpectral: use spectral scaling of gradient direction (default: 1)
  • curvilinear: backtrack along projection Arc (default: 0)
  • testOpt: test optimality condition (default: 1)
  • feasibleInit: if 1, then the initial point is assumed to be feasible
  • bbType: type of Barzilai Borwein step (default: 1)
  • testInit: Whether to test the initial estimate for optimality (default: false)
  • store_trace: Whether to store the trace/history of x (default: false)
  • optNorm: First-Order Optimality Conditions norm (default: Inf)
  • iniStep: Initial step length estimate (default: 1)
  • maxLinesearchIter: Maximum number of line search iteration (default: 20)


Projected Quasi-Newton algorithm adapted from min_Conf for constrained optimization.

pqn(objective, x, projection, options; ls=nothing, callback=nothing)

Function for using a limited-memory projected quasi-Newton to solve problems of the form min objective(x) s.t. x in C

The projected quasi-Newton sub-problems are solved the spectral projected gradient algorithm


  • funObj(x): function to minimize (returns gradient as second argument)
  • funProj(x): function that returns projection of x onto C
  • x: Initial guess
  • options: pqn_options structure

Optional Arguments

  • ls `: User provided linesearch function
  • callback : Callback function. Must take as input a result callback(x::result)


Adapted fromt he matlab implementation of minConf_PQN
pqn(f, g!, fg!, x, projection, options; ls=nothing, callback=nothing)

Function for using a limited-memory projected quasi-Newton to solve problems of the form min objective(x) s.t. x in C

The projected quasi-Newton sub-problems are solved the spectral projected gradient algorithm.


  • f(x): function to minimize (returns objective only)
  • g!(g, x): gradient of function (in place)
  • fg!(g, x): objective and gradient (in place)
  • funProj(x): function that returns projection of x onto C
  • x: Initial guess
  • options: pqn_options structure

Optional Arguments

  • ls `: User provided linesearch function
  • callback : Callback function. Must take as input a result callback(x::result)


Adapted fromt he matlab implementation of minConf_PQN

The algorithms uses the following options:

pqn_options(;verbose=2, optTol=1f-5, progTol=1f-7,
            maxIter=20, suffDec=1f-4, corrections=10, adjustStep=false,
            bbInit=false, store_trace=false, SPGoptTol=1f-6, SPGprogTol=1f-7,
            SPGiters=10, SPGtestOpt=false, maxLinesearchIter=20)

Options structure for Spectral Project Gradient algorithm.


  • verbose: level of verbosity (0: no output, 1: iter (default))
  • optTol: tolerance used to check for optimality (default: 1e-5)
  • progTol: tolerance used to check for progress (default: 1e-9)
  • maxIter: maximum number of iterations (default: 20)
  • suffDec: sufficient decrease parameter in Armijo condition (default: 1e-4)
  • corrections: number of lbfgs corrections to store (default: 10)
  • adjustStep: use quadratic initialization of line search (default: 0)
  • bbInit: initialize sub-problem with Barzilai-Borwein step (default: 1)
  • store_trace: Whether to store the trace/history of x (default: false)
  • SPGoptTol: optimality tolerance for SPG direction finding (default: 1e-6)
  • SPGprogTol: SPG tolerance used to check for progress (default: 1e-7)
  • SPGiters: maximum number of iterations for SPG direction finding (default:10)
  • SPGtestOpt: Whether to check for optimality in SPG (default: false)
  • maxLinesearchIter: Maximum number of line search iteration (default: 20)
  • memory: Number of steps for the non-monotone functional decrease condition.
  • iniStep: Initial step length estimate (default: 1). Ignored with adjustStep.

Linearized bregman

Linearized bregman iteration for split feasability problems.

bregman_options(;verbose=1, optTol=1e-6, progTol=1e-8, maxIter=20,
                store_trace=false, quantile=.5, alpha=.25, spg=false)

Options structure for the bregman iteration algorithm


  • verbose: level of verbosity (0: no output, 1: final, 2: iter (default), 3: debug)
  • progTol: tolerance used to check for lack of progress (default: 1e-9)
  • maxIter: maximum number of iterations (default: 20)
  • store_trace: Whether to store the trace/history of x (default: false)
  • antichatter: Whether to use anti-chatter step length correction
  • alpha: Strong convexity modulus. (step length is $α \frac{||r||_2^2}{||g||_2^2}$)
  • spg: whether to use spg, default is false
  • TD: sparsifying transform (e.g. curvelet), default is identity (LinearAlgebra.I)
  • λfunc: a function to calculate threshold value, default is nothing
  • λ: a pre-set threshold, will only be used if λfunc is not defined, default is nothing
  • quantile: a percentage to calculate the threshold by quantile of the dual variable in 1st iteration, will only be used if neither λfunc nor λ are defined, default is .95 i.e thresholds 95% of the vector
  • w: a weight vector that is applied on the threshold element-wise according to relaxation of weighted l1, default is 1 (no weighting)
  • reset_lambda: How often should lambda be updated. Defaults to nothing i.e lambda is nerver updated and estimated at the first iteration.
bregman(A, x, b, options)

Linearized bregman iteration for the system

$\frac{1}{2} ||TD \ x||_2^2 + λ ||TD \ x||_{1,w} \ \ \ s.t Ax = b$

For example, for sparsity promoting denoising (i.e LSRTM)

Required arguments

  • A: Forward operator (e.g. J or preconditioned J for LSRTM)
  • x: Initial guess
  • b: observed data

Optional Arguments

  • callback : Callback function. Must take as input a result callback(x::result)

Non-required arguments

  • options: bregman options, default is bregman_options(); options.TD provides the sparsifying transform (e.g. curvelet), options.w provides the weight vector for the weighted l1
bregman(funobj, x, options)

Linearized bregman iteration for the system

$\frac{1}{2} ||TD \ x||_2^2 + λ ||TD \ x||_{1,w} \ \ \ s.t Ax = b$

Required arguments

  • funobj: a function that calculates the objective value (0.5 * norm(Ax-b)^2) and the gradient (A'(Ax-b))
  • x: Initial guess

Optional Arguments

  • callback : Callback function. Must take as input a result callback(x::result)

Non-required arguments

  • options: bregman options, default is bregman_options(); options.TD provides the sparsifying transform (e.g. curvelet), options.w provides the weight vector for the weighted l1